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The Monster Hokey-Pokey!

Watch the monsters and slugs and snails do their own version of the hokey pokey. Smuckles von Smee as the voice and Snailio and Smoopy F. Toodles doing their little dances.

Musical accompaniment (with the cutest ukelele ever!) and character singing by the fabulous and amazing Qarly!

For those interested in the lyrics:

You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the monster pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.

You put your left hand in,
You put your left hand out,
You put your left hand in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the monster pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.

You put your eyestalk in,
You put your eyestalk out,
You put your eyestalk in,
And you shake it all about,

You do the monster pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.

You put your tentacles in,
You put your tentacles out,
You put your tentacles in,
And you shake them all about,

You do the monster pokey
and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.